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    How to Save your Laptop Battery

    Every day I use Laptop. Just like you, I wanted to make my laptop stay longer to use and work in a longer period of time. In my hours of usage, my battery can’t stay longer because of some annoying applications which are not being use.

    The laptop batteries can stay for 4-6 hours of usage which depends in brand. I often forget or ignore it to keep cool because of work load and deadlines to submit some paper works.

    One day, I realize that batteries provides juice power to laptop and continuity of your work. But, how to keep your batteries sustain in a period of time and operational for a span of 3-5 years are questions that keep on popping regularly to my mind.

    Listed below are my tips and tricks to keep it operational and stay in a period of time.

    1. Do Not Overcharged your battery most of the time. Overcharging your battery well not guarantee or give you extra percent after it reach 100% and it might explode.

    2. Do Not Discharged your battery repeatedly. The battery has a finite number of charge-discharge cycles, if you discharging your battery completely repeatedly it’s going to harm.

    3. Do Not Overheat. Overheat is the biggest or worst enemy of your battery. Keep your laptop cool and put some fan to minimize the heat.

    4. Use 30-10 minutes style. Thirty minutes of use and 10 minutes of cooling. This can help your laptop battery to rest and continue for a better years to come.

    5. Activate your laptop’s Battery Save Mode. This will make automatic changes to give enough time to use your battery life.

    6. Disable Unused Devices and Ports. Turning and disable some stuff off will reduce power consumptions like your like Wi-Fi, Bluetooth radios, graphics processors, and unused optical drives.

    7. Adjust your Screen and Light Settings. Your screen consumes battery, while you obviously need to keep it up and running to use the laptop. You don't necessarily need it running at maximum brightness or resolution.

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