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    DepEd Gmail Account

    Click the link to get your DepEd email account.
    Enter your details:

    1. TIN
    2. First Name
    3. Middle Name
    4. Last Name
    5. Birth date
    6. Personal Email (Note: active email account)
    7. Phone Number
    8. Region (Note: Select Region VI)
    9. Division
    10. School
    Permanent (regular) employees of the Department of Education (DepEd) are now required to get an official email account. Here’s how to register and verify.

    DepEd explains that the system was established to “strengthen the sense of identity among Department of Education employees, acting in their capacity as employees, educators, and representatives of the agency.”

    With this feature, DepEd aims to “facilitate a collaborative culture among our teachers and employees with the digital infrastructure” and to “ensure an environment where information can be communicated safely and easily.”



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